
17 Years

Average Broker Experience

Our team of hand-picked top performers has deep industry experience and a collaborative culture. Whether you're selling or buying, we start with your criteria for success, using our expertise and an extensive network to deliver the best possible outcome for you.

Unmatched Access

To Private Investors

Private investors dominate the buyer pool for retail investment assets by a factor of two to one. For 30 years, CP Partners has maintained a laser focus on building these relationships. Buyers gain access to superior inventory, while sellers have access to the most valuable—and most elusive—buyers for their properties.

9.6% More

For Your Property

It’s a fact. When brokers cooperate and share information, it drives up competition. The result? Sales prices up to 9.6% higher*. We work with the entire brokerage community to maximize exposure, finding the buyer with the best prices and terms for your property.


*Source: National Real Estate Investor